About Us
The Wired Lab is guided by a strategic plan that aims to:
- Create opportunities for contemporary artists to develop and extend interdisciplinary practices within a rural context
- Enshrine Wiradyuri-led engagement and programming throughout our operations
- Increase impact, reach, and profile of The Wired Lab and its activities through participation, engagement and presentation opportunities
- Build capacity to ensure sustainability of the organisation for years to come
Image by Harriet Goodall.

We are long term residents of rural NSW where we live and work.
While our initiatives cover a broad geographic area, The Wired Lab operates from a working farm in the South-West Slopes in the Eastern Riverina, NSW. The region is geographically diverse, ranging from arid plains to rolling hills
and alpine areas.
We are located within a significant environmental ‘natural icon’, the endangered Box Gum Grassy Woodlands. Both the Woodlands and the nearby Kosciuszko National Park, an alpine wilderness on Australia’s national heritage list, are a constant source of inspiration.
Image by Jackie Cooper via Jack of Hearts Studio.

The Wired Lab is led by our founder and Artistic Director Sarah Last.
Sarah produces site specific cross-disciplinary projects in rural and regional NSW. For the past 25+ years she has been an active contributor to the recognition of contemporary and experimental art practices from regional contexts.
Along with Sarah, The Wired Lab is governed by a skills-based board of directors who are dedicated to realising the goals of our organisation.
Image by Jackie Cooper via Jack of Hearts Studio.
We receive financial and in-kind support from a range of Government and
philanthropic initiatives. These align with our mission to provide enriching
cultural experiences with a range of communities.

We are grateful for the support of a range of community
partners who help us promote and deliver our programmes.